
When the pandemic hit, I got into making more of my personal use things. Things like deodorant and scents. For me, these things were not just things to do but a Ritual that I did every morning to fortify myself for being the world. I launched it on Instagram pretty quickly and found out how to work with influencers to make sales happen. The end result was that I decided I didn’t like the details of a supply chain business (I’m not wired that way) and I shut it down. But, I still make these things for family and friends. I love them. They are a part of my ritual every morning.

The deodorant is amazing for me. It’s almost edible and it lasts for about a day and a half even with workouts. I love the scents.

This journey took me into the history of the nose and how Scent was poo poo’d because it was considered animal and humans are above nature and all that. Jeez, that’s baloney. Anyway, here are the products.

I had a lot of fun with the names. Delphi from Apollo…Know Theyself. Elementals…from the earth. Etc.