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Hi, I’m Abe. I really want the world to be better. I don’t think software is eating the world. I think technology is the magic that we have been dreaming about since we had fire. And NOW!, we are in the beginning of the hockey stick of Moore’s Law. Some people might not know what I mean when I say this. Basically, technology is about to radically change humanity. It’s happening right now with AI (and so many other things like 3d printing, making clothes from sugar (we’ve just been using sugar too much in one way and not enough in another!), there’s so much more) and people are going to experience changes, economically. I want to be a part of the good that comes from this.

Also, this blog has a lot of goodness. It might come off as bragging or me me me me me BUT!

PRETTY PLEASE, don’t perceive it like that. My aim is to connect with you as an individual being.

This is not about me.

It’s about YOU. I want to inspire you to break through the resistance you feel. I have had so much of it.

We all have the ability to create because we are human AND HUMANS ARE DESIGNED TO CREATE AND EXPLORE and this is to LEARN and GROW.

My whole purpose is to illustrate that we as humans are creators and multifaceted. We make things. We are designed to do this! I’ve been pushing like hell to do this for myself (through so much pain I experienced as a child from beatings and bullies and the environment that can stunt us all) and show other humans that we can do it, together. Humans are truly amazing and we have so much within us. We can do everything we dream of. It’s about working through the resistance to build ourselves up, for full self expression. Self-actualization.

And, I firmly believe that it’s critical to write down what we learn and do. Knowledge really is power. It must be shared with others. Humans really only learn when they are interested to do so. So! make the knowledge available so that when that human is interested, they can find it. (AI is gonna help us here!)

Right now, I’m working in FinTech and GymTech. The gym tech/future of exercise pilot is EverStrongSF. It’s a v1. V2 is in the works with some really cool players to be revealed later. 

If you want to see my example of how I am a curious human designed to learn and explore just like you, look through the menus. For professional connections and to see other explorations I have done in the commercial context, check out LinkedIn.

Also in 2000, because I was nuts, I bicycled through Alaska solo on a mountain bike pulling a bob trailer from Eagle River to the Kenai Peninsula. If you think that is interesting, check out my cousin who bicycled from the top of the world to the bottom!