Health and Fitness has been fun, but there’s more to life

Now, that I’ve accomplished what I consider fitness. I think it’s time to move on. I will continue to be active and fit, but it’s not my life’s focus. It’s actually less than 20 min of my day and having a conscious choice to be healthy in my decisions (skip the coca-cola and waffles, walk or ride the bicycle instead of driving the car, etc.).

I actually have a fair amount of other things in my life: kids, wife, house, car, job, dog, etc. I find I am much more interested in the mysteries that go on unquestioned. Fitness and health was a mystery; it’s been solved now. Evolutionary fitness/diet and Crossfit are super answers. I call them super answers because they are by far the best answers out of a multitude.

There are so many other mysteries to investigate. As a result, I’m changing the focus of this writing to be more aligned with the multitude of mysteries as opposed to one particular one.

What’s up?

My posting as of late has been almost non-existent. I find between my work and family, I haven’t taken much time to write. I know as my children get older that more time will come to me. That’s what I have scheduled anyway.

I do find time to exercise though. Having twins and doing a long commute, I leave at breakfast and get home at dinner. Often, I’d stay up after the kids and the wife have gone to sleep to have my workout time. I have to say that kind of schedule doesn’t bode well for resting. I’ve since moved “my time” to the early morning. Now, I get to bed at eight or nine and wake around four am. It works for me. I write this as an example of how I chose to fit health in.

By far, the best method for my fitness has been Evolutionary Fitness and Crossfit. With diet, the best method I have found is eliminating grains, starches and refined sugars and eating vegetables, nuts, and pasture-raised animals. Without doing “cardio”, I am 8% body fat. I’ve been following this kind of regimen for 5 months now. I think at 33, I am in much better shape than when I bicycled across Alaska in 2000. I think I’m in better shape than I’ve ever been except when I wrestled in school.

I have never been in “super” shape, but I seem to be heading towards that direction as I get stronger. It hasn’t been hard. The workouts are extremely taxing, but they feel so natural that I don’t procrastinate. I also don’t seem to lose much in the breaks I take. It’s good. It’s very good.

My favorite topic!

In reading one of my daily favorite reads, I see a topic that I do thoroughly enjoy. Mark’s Daily Apple had this fun post of extreme exercise, sometimes called Parkour.

I’m reminded of so much that I often don’t write about. I work on my vaults every chance I get. Whether it’s setting a couple of chairs to hop over in the house when I’m folding laundry or when I’m walking the dog and I see a human-height wall. I never count this as training, but it is. It’s incredible exercise. It’s also incredibly fun.

For people just starting out, it can seem daunting. The videos show the ones who have been doing this for years. That David Bell feller is a master. Don’t even think of starting there. Never jump off a building if you haven’t jumped since you were a kid. One has to start gradually. The body will change in response. It has to.

If you are interested in such things, try finding a beginning gymnastics or circus skills class for all ages. They are popping up all over the place. You can also go to a gymnastics center for kids and ask around how you can get started. You’ll get tips you can start on at home to build strength and flexibility. Someone my be willing to train you. You never know unless you ask.

I’m lucky that one of the premier circus training centers in the US is 15 blocks from my house.