Now, that I’ve accomplished what I consider fitness. I think it’s time to move on. I will continue to be active and fit, but it’s not my life’s focus. It’s actually less than 20 min of my day and having a conscious choice to be healthy in my decisions (skip the coca-cola and waffles, walk or ride the bicycle instead of driving the car, etc.).
I actually have a fair amount of other things in my life: kids, wife, house, car, job, dog, etc. I find I am much more interested in the mysteries that go on unquestioned. Fitness and health was a mystery; it’s been solved now. Evolutionary fitness/diet and Crossfit are super answers. I call them super answers because they are by far the best answers out of a multitude.
There are so many other mysteries to investigate. As a result, I’m changing the focus of this writing to be more aligned with the multitude of mysteries as opposed to one particular one.