I started CrossFit with LaLanne fitness here in SF on 9 Apr 09. I went to an all levels class and the workout of the day (WOD) was the “Filthy Fifty”. I should state that I thought I was in peak fitness before I started. I had been doing altered CF workouts for about a year (minus proper olympic lifts). Well, it was the most metabolically demanding session of physical exercise I think I have ever done. I finished dead last with a time of 47 minutes. I wasn’t pushing myself in the beginning because I knew it would be long. It took me about 3 days to recover. I realized I was fit in some areas, but weak in others. That session uncovered that very quickly.
The next session I did was a beginner and level 1 class. That was a different experience. Slower, less of demand and a quicker recovery. As I’ve done sessions since, I’ve noticed something. When I was in the middle of the “filthy fifty” doing the burpees and not seeing how I could ever finish, I was completely exhausted and wondered if I’d finish. In the WODs since, I still find myself in those places of complete exhaustion wondering if I’ll finish, but I have more to give. I have more reserve. I actually feel that is when I’m tapping into strength that is normally never even touched. I’ve never run into that before, physically. I think it is quite remarkable and gives one evidence of the untapped human physical potential.